Privacy Policy

We last updated our Privacy Policy applicable to this privacy policy details how the Personal User Information will be collected, along with how it will be used on this website and browser extensions. We will be collectively referring to as, “We”, “Our”, and “Us” throughout the entire. All the choices available to you on this website will be discussed about our use of your personal information and how you will be able to access and update this information over time.

1. Information Collecting and Sharing

Personal User Information (PUI)

The most important thing for is to protect our users’ privacy. In our commitment to do so, we do not require Users to provide any Personal User Information to be able to use this website. However, at the same time, any visitors who wish to benefit from our special offers may be asked to provide their email addresses. Along with that, they may also be asked to share as much of the following information that they would be willing to provide: name, gender, age, and personal interests.

Browser Extensions

There are running browser extensions on that automatically work sp that certain information is collected for this website to function properly without any glitches. It allows us to understand the devices and browsers that we are accessed through. The information collected through this might include devices used, IP addresses, operating systems, browsers, error logs, and similar information. This allows us to track the usage which ultimately leads to us improving your experience.

Brand Viewed Blogs

You can publicly access blogs or community forums on which we have shared our blogs and information on. We also want to make you aware that any information provided by you in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who will be accessing them.

Third-Party Personal User Coupon

If you wish to share a coupon that you have from elsewhere on our website, you are allowed to do so. This allows other shoppers to benefit from the savings they would be able to do. Though we would require you to share your name, address, coupon type, and other such information. The coupon will be listed on the website and other shoppers will be able to use the coupon accordingly. However, any coupons shared by the user are not the responsibility of If the coupon is fake, miss listed expired, or has any other issues, the user who shared the coupon will be responsible. We do not share any information provided by our users, but we will be forced to share any personal data if we come across any problems.


Log files

Certain information is gathered through our servers’ stored files. The information included in this are Internet protocol (IP) address, the type of browser, Internet service provider (ISP), refer/exit pages, operating system, date & time stamp, and clickstream data.

If ever needed, we may collect the complete data that is available to us from log files which will be used to demonstrate usage information from our website for prospective brands on it.

Legal Disclaimer

If any situation arises, is required to disclose personal data as a response to any lawful requests by public authorities that is to fulfill the law enforcement requirements, we will comply with the request accordingly. Any Personal User Information that is required by the law will be shared accordingly, we withhold the right to do so when there are any requests where the law is involved. This would happen in cases where the belief that full disclosure is necessary so that personal rights are protected. Helping us, to further safety for others involved in the whole situation. This would also allow the complete investigation of fraud. We will always respond to government requests for any necessary situations. We will also comply with any judicial proceedings, court orders, or any legal proceedings that are served on our website.

If any major merger, acquisition, or sale has been made by where all or a portion of our assets are involved, the notifications will be sent out accordingly. These will be sent out through email and/or a prominent notice that would be shared on our website. In case there are any changes in ownership, the use of your Personal User Information, and choices that you might be having in regards to it, will be included.

For any Third Party, your Personal User Information will not be shared without any prior consent that has not been provided by you.

2. Third-Party Websites Links

Any links posted from to any Third Part website are not in our control by us. Any personal data shared by the user with the Third Party will be held responsible by them. will not be a part of any issue that arises.

If you click on any offers or deals that land on pages of Third Party merchandisers, we are not responsible for any of the Personal User Information that is shared from there. We want you to be careful and check their privacy policies before you make any acceptances or move forward with making any purchases.

3. Our Complete Cookies Policy

Cookies and similar technologies are used by and its partners.

What are cookies?

Cookies enable to track, store, and collect information with the help of the small text files that save the information from your device that you connect with us.

What do our cookies do for you?

They help us to track the shopping transactions that take place from your device on our website. Any purchases that you make at a retailer’s site using this website, these cookies allow us to access the complete details that help us in tracking your shopping activities. Whether you have only visited any of the listed brand sites, or whether you have made a purchase or not, it also allows us to validate the purchase, or if any cancellation has been made.

It also helps to recognize and keep the information saved that you have signed in allows you to not have to log into your account. This can be for a while. It also lets us track how you found our website and it also allows us to personalize your offers and deals concerning your search and shopping pattern. Most importantly it also helps in identifying any fraud activities. It also provides us with complete analytics and reporting. It also helps us in remembering any of the options you have selected for your account settings

Third-Party Cookies

This would work to gather complete information regarding your activities on this website and another website. This would be to customize the type of advertising you will be viewing which would be based on the actions you would be taking on the website such as browsing activities and your other general interests. This would also include the retailers who you have been or have already visited from They may also place cookies on the device you use when you access this website. Though, you have to be sure of what the retailers are doing that you visit from our website as they have their Cookies and Privacy Policies, and will not be responsible for their activities.

We at this website also use these Third-Party cookies to be able to gather the complete information we need in regards to the analytics or reporting.

Is there any way to control cookies?

Cookies can only be controlled at the browser level.

How will I be able to opt out of using Cookies

The cookie policy determines the activities of the users and the way a website is intended to work. If you opt out of using them, there might be issues in the way that the website works. Users are encouraged to opt for cookies and if by any chance they opt out, they can opt back in. All they have to do is click the same link above of the page that is present there, they can from there then select “Accept Cookies”.


We have included Social Media Features that we work with. You can find our social media links such as the Facebook Like button that you can use to follow us socially also. Your IP address, such as any of the pages that you may be visiting on our website will be collected through this feature. This may also have a cookie to enable the feature that would allow it to function without any hindrances. These Social Media Features and Widgets are might be hosted by a Third Party or they might also be hosted directly on our website. The privacy policy of the company providing the features governs your interactions with these features.

4. Personal Data Editing and the Choice to Opt-Out

Any changes to your Personal Data can be made by accessing the profile page of the account that you have created on You also have the option of completely deleting your data. You can also contact our website to have your account deleted and the response to your request would be given to you in the timeframe that is reasonable for you to wait and for us to complete the process. If we are withholding any information of yours would be released to you upon your request to us.

You have complete access through your website account to all your personal account history and your data. You can always get in touch with our customer support if you have any issues accessing data or if you cannot find data of your interest or if you need assistance to access this data in another format.

5. Manage Email Subscriptions

All your Email Subscriptions from your account are managed from their page. You have complete control to subscribe to your email and manage the categories we have available. You can also unsubscribe from all kinds of communication with us with just one click.

6. Security

Industry standards that are generally used for the protection of the Personal User Information that is submitted on this website by the user are used by us. We cover this protection during the sharing of the information and after the final submission has taken place. You have to know beforehand that no matter what steps we do take from our side, any information shared online over the internet or any other electronic storage is secure to the fullest. We do not guarantee 100% security of the data that is shared with us. Therefore, we try our best to provide you with the maximum security that is generally accepted but complete responsibility is not taken by

7. Retention of Data

Any information that you have shared with us, would be kept safe till you decide to delete your account from our website. You can always get in touch with us in regards to that and actions will be taken accordingly. However, in case of any legal obligations to be able to resolve disputes, and in the end, enforce our agreements, we reserve the right to retain your data and use it accordingly.

8. Personal Data Transfer from Beyond the Borders

If you are a resident of another country beyond the borders of and are accessing our website, you have to be sure that you are completely consenting to the fact that we can transfer, store, and process your Personal User Information through our secure servers. Please note the fact that the laws we have here regarding

Personal User Information being protected might be very different from those that you would find in your own or any other country. is the most serious when it comes to protecting your data. Any issue or concern that you face regarding it will be dealt with promptly and the solution will be shared accordingly. You can always get help or ask about our privacy policy from our customer support.

9. Changes or Updates in this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make any changes or add any updates to this privacy policy. All changes and updates will be shared here. We will also be updating the date for the change or update in this privacy policy, which will be posted to this privacy policy, along with our home page, and any other places that we decide are the most appropriate. This would be done to keep you aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances if any do arise at any point in time, will we disclose it.

Keep reviewing this privacy policy to be always updated with the latest points. If there are any further material changes that we end up making to this policy, you will be notified here. An email will also be sent out, or if needed we will also make it visible on our website or let you know beforehand so that you know when it will be coming to effect.